ENVIROS is a consultancy company located in Prague, Czech Republic, focused on consulting and training of clients in fields of energy, environmental and business consultancy, including resource efficiency, waste and circular economy, air and water management, IPPC and related environmental issues. Its clients are primarily SMEs, large industrial companies, government and municipal authorities as well as international institutions and banks.
Activities of the company include promotion, dissemination, education, consultancy, support and implementation of both research activities and practical projects in private companies and for public authorities.
ENVIROS employs experts in resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production who participate in platforms for transfer of information and experience, and for the development and exchange of know-how, including inputs for policy-supporting eco-efficient solutions.
ENVIROS is a founding organization of Czech Platform for resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production (EMPRESS) and supports the Czech Platform for circular economy (Vision 2024)focusing on promotion and support of this concept, and enhancing dialogue among private, public and academic sectors.
In the last decade, ENVIROS participated in European projects focused on resource efficiency (ACT CLEAN, RESAT, ECOFLEXOBAG, PRESOURCE), education and training (TRUST IN, TREO) and also in small regional projects and projects at the level of municipalities. Currently, ENVIROS is a member of consortium operating the European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre (EREK).
Paverl Ruzicka
pavel.ruzicka@enviros.cz / +420 284 007 477 /