Intellectual Output 3
EduZWaCE Worker course is designed for technicians and workers from reuse, repair and recycling centres who are interested in acquiring knowledge and new skills in the field of reuse and CE.
Considering the fact that CDW is the largest waste stream in the EU in volume (EPRS, 2015), the main focus of this EduZWaCE training programme is on the CD sector.
This qualified worker carries out an assessment of reusable CDW streams prior to demolition and renovation of buildings. The aim is to facilitate and maximize recovery of materials and components from demolition or renovation of buildings and infrastructures for beneficial reuse, without compromising the safety measures and practices. In the EU context, this task can be performed by trained workers within the reuse parks and recycling and waste collection centres as well as construction or demolition companies.
By the end of the course, participants should be familiar with different types of reusable CD materials as well as dismantling and material recovery techniques. The course will combine theory with practical examples and assignments. It will be divided in five learning units: 1) Introduction, 2) Furniture, 3) Construction elements, 4) Electric equipment in buildings, and 5) Conduction of an assessment of reusable CD materials
The requirement for entering the course is completed Level 2 of the EQF.