

EKOrast works with organizations to improve their performance through their sustainability strategy, the environmental and social impact of their operations, innovation, stakeholder engagement and the reporting of their non-financial information. We use international standards such as ISO 26 000, Global Reporting Initiative, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and others. In collaboration with Swiss organization BHP we assess about 70 multinationals annually and we provide them with recommendations to improve their CSR performance. We help companies with environmental issues such as well as social issues such as business ethics, diversity at workplace, health and safety, labour norms and human rights.

In 2017 EKOrast was conducting a survey to gain an insight into the challenges and opportunities presented by the circular economy, by enabling 32 companies and other organizations from Slovakia to share their perceptions and experiences with eco-innovations and extended producer responsibility. The final analysis we published was a part of two years long project called MOVECO, which sets its objective to improve the framework conditions and policy instruments for eco-innovation and the transition to a Circular Economy. The analysis is funded by Interreg Danube Transnational Programme.

We organize our summit called Green Day on an annual basis. Each year some of the top environmental organizations and experts take the stage to motivate, inspire and teach students, families and public how to live green life and care about our environmental footprint. The event includes competitions, lectures, films, workshops, testing electric cars.

Martin Dolinský